I’m learning that in farming there is always give and take. Take the GMO and non-GMO debate. There is a very large consumer increase in non-GMO consumption and demand and I would like to capture some of that market demand. Plus, who knows what really happens to us when we ingest food that has been genetically modified. But, the downside of planting conventional seeds is the increase in use of pesticides and herbicides which have the potential for drift and to just be in the air around us, especially since many farmers spray around the same time frame.
Maybe a mix of cover crops and non-GMO is the way to go. Cover crops have the potential to prevent weed growth between crop rows and help with insect control.
Nevertheless, it’s time for a change in our production methods and products we use. Bugs and weeds are changing and becoming resistant. And consumers are wanting to know what they are eating, which is very smart and wise. Health is finally becoming a top priority in the human condition.