Chicken tractor 1

We built our first chicken tractor using a Joel Salatin design. The chicks we put in it are all grown up. They are almost ready to be harvested. We ended up not liking to keep them shut in all of the time, so we keep one end open so that they can spread their wings, take dirt baths, play and run around more. 

They actually stick around their home and don’t wander off very far. We feel that they are happier and calmer doing what they do naturally and having less protection from critters during the day than keeping them locked in a 12′ x 12′ box.  We do lock them up at night to give them some protection from the animals that hunt at night. 

These are red rangers, a heritage bird and descendant from the French Label Rouge chicken. This broiler takes a little longer to grow vs. the white Cornish cross seen in most factory farms.  The meat is scrumptious and very healthy.