How did all this time escape me?!?! Out little pigs we got in November are now ready for market. They are all between 250-300 lbs. I have direct marketed them all in half or whole shares and they went quickly! So excited and happy about that. These pigs have been in deep, dry bedding all winter, fed non-GMO feed, a daily ration of apples, pumpkins and food scraps for treats, and pet and massaged daily. I’m sad to see them go, but excited to see their carcass and eventually taste their meat.
I am holding back 3 gilts to try to breed on my own next month. Hopefully I’ve chosen 3 with strong genetics. We will see how that process goes…
Category: local food
The Come-back of the Small Farm
I found this article in the latest edition of Iowa Farmer Today. It provides a great example of how younger families are wanting to live on a farm, raise their families on a farm, the upward trend of locally grown food, and the philosophy of how life is lived is more meaningful than making a profit.