the harvest process

The corn, and this goes for soybeans too, is picked by a combine that magically takes each ear of corn, strips it of its husks, shucks each ear of its kernels and collects them in a large bushel bin. When the bin is full, the combine dumps it in a wagon sitting at the end of some rows and brings it to the storage facility, whether it be a storage bin, elevator storage, or an ethanol plant. Many large farms use semi-trucks instead of wagons to haul and transport soybeans and corn from the field.

corn, corn and more corn

We started harvesting corn soon after the soybeans were delivered or stored away. Again, the harvest of corn went very smoothly, with dry days and long full days to bring it all in for storage. More and more farmers are growing corn to keep up with the world demand. Some farmers have started to move some fields out of their soybean-corn rotation to corn on corn, meaning, they plant corn on the same field they planted corn the year before. This requires some different management decisions to make sure the soil has enough nutrients to grow another crop of corn.