Harvest meal

We love getting friends together to enjoy a nourishing meal, especially a harvest meal.  I cooked up an impromptu harvest meal with PFI friends on their way home from a Decorah field day.  I roasted a lamb shoulder infused with rosemary and garlic in the oven for 4 hours. We had rosemary and garlic roasted potatoes, butternut and acorn squash, sautéed green beans in garlic and olive oil, and a little lamb stew meat over onions and carrots.  Everything was certified organic or raised organically. We created a red wine gravy with the drippings from the roast and it was fabulous! My favorite cooking app is Yummly! You have to get it!

A before picture:

And an after picture:

It was yum yum good! 

Oat cover crop

We seeded oats in early September as our non-winter hardy cover crop into standing soybeans.  These fields will be corn in 2016.  The weather and rains have just been ideal for aerially seeded cover crops to get established and grow. We haven’t yet had a hard freeze and it doesn’t look like there is one in the near forecast, so an even better opportunity for the oats to keep growing.