A whole diet CSA

I have been inspired by this couple, 

Mark and Kristin Kimball.  They created a farm from the ground up, and revolutionized farming in the U.S. They farm with draft horses, use sunlight and hard work as their only inputs. No chemicals, no chemical fertilizer, no gas or oil. They grow everything someone needs to eat well, including dairy, grains for milling, vegetables, and meat.  Their customers no longer have to go to the grocery store where processed foods await for their picking. This whole diet CSA has members become creative with their cooking and learn how to can and freeze for winter.

With this venture, they have revived a small town and filled it with young people with similar values. 

This reminds of how the Amish farm, but instead of being solely self-sustainable, they have stepped it up by creating community through food. So inspiring.

See their editorial in Eating Well magazine, sept/oct 2015 issue.

100% grass fed lambĀ 

I went to visit the state inspected locker yesterday where our lambs got butchered. I had to pick up some fresh lamb stew meat for our field day today. I got to peek in at the 25 lamb carcasses to look at the condition of the meat, fat, and weights. I think they looked great. They aren’t your typical 4-H show lamb carcass, as they are quite smaller. But I think the chefs will love working with them!