• Eyes 

    Our friendly sow, Eyes, was hangin’ with her little ones in her a-frame hut. The temps were more bearable than the last few and she seemed to be not suffering as much. Her little piglets are getting more and more curious each day. Now they explore outside of the hut but always run back to […]


  • This little piggy…

    Yesterday we found a delightful delivery of 9 healthy and vibrant piglets from our gilt, now sow mother, Eyes. They were all suckling from her early morning and making their soft snorty noises. They are predominantly black because I AI’d her with some Berkshire boar semen. She is a cross of Berkshire, Duroc and Old […]


  • Blackberries, yum!

    Due to Johnny’s timely pruning job on the blackberry bushes, we had a bumper crop this summer. It’s wonderful to have fruit and vegetables and meat all grown on farm!      This is just picking 1. We’ve had several since. Great for jams, freezing and on top of yogurt and cereal. 


  • Chicken tractor II

    For our second set of chickens, we built a second chicken tractor. We personally like this design better, but need to make it lighter so that we can pull it by hand versus by tractor.  It’s heavy! But it’s easier to water, feed, and circulate air. Plus it was cheaper to make and took A […]


  • Pigs on pasture

    A few weeks ago, I set up our fenced paddocks for my 3 pregnant gilts to frolick in the lush green grass, root up grubs and bugs, and stay cool in the shade of the grove trees.  Sounds like paradise, right?  I brought them out there on a nice morning and they were genuinely happy! […]


  • Chicken tractor 1

    We built our first chicken tractor using a Joel Salatin design. The chicks we put in it are all grown up. They are almost ready to be harvested. We ended up not liking to keep them shut in all of the time, so we keep one end open so that they can spread their wings, […]


  • Making hay

    There’s nothing like the smell of freshly cut hay.  This is my transition alfalfa first cutting that was cut today. Hopefully the weather forecast doesn’t change and it can be raked and baled in 3-4 days. It’s quite a thick stand so it takes longer to dry. We are taking a risk by cutting it […]