• Come on friends! Ag is where it’s at!

    On my table….tables, sit piles of farm journals, magazines and newspapers to read. I flip through them when I get a chance. Over lunch today I found this article and knew I had to post it for all of you who read my blog, especially my Californian comrades who live in a state that has […]


  • Got milk?

    So far, we have one lamb that wasn’t getting enough milk from her mother, either because her sister was hogging it all or she isn’t that smart. Sheep are not known for their intelligence, rather the lack of. So we started to bottle feed #4. When we put her and her mother and sister in […]


  • A new tractor means you have to read the manual

    This morning another ewe gave birth to a hefty and handsome baby boy! When I noticed she was in labor only the little front hooves and little nose were out. I went on doing my morning feeding chores for the rest of the sheep and maybe 5 minutes later I checked up on her and […]


  • My Seed Saver Exchange seeds came!

    My seed savers exchange seeds arrived!!! Seed savers builds a network of people who are committed to collecting, conserving, and sharing heirloom seeds and plants. Heirloom seeds breed true and can be passed down to the next generation. Heritage Farm is Seed Savers Exchange headquarters located near Decorah, Iowa. The farm is a living museum […]


  • A yearling ewe giving birth

    This yearling ewe was in labor for a long time. We watched her try to push the lamb out on her own but we ended up having to help pull it out. It was amazing to watch and be a part of the birthing process. She ended up having twins, there was another one that […]


  • edible soybeans headed for Japan

    Loading soybeans that were harvested last fall is one of the duties to tend to in the spring. It all depends on when they were sold, the buyer and the markets. These soybeans are the edible soybeans for Japan. When the buyer of these beans in Japan is ready for them, the farmer and the […]


  • Loading corn

    The corn flows into an auger that spirals it up and pours it into a wagon or truck. We can easily haul some of our corn to a nearby ethanol plant with our tractor and wagons instead of hiring a truck.