• Look ma, no hands!

    I am writing this blog post while driving, but don’t worry because the tractor is doing all the driving! Yeah, totally cool, right?! Since our minor breakdown yesterday we borrowed a neighbor’s tractor and tillage tool to get some more planting done. What an awfully nice neighbor! Fortunately the tool was available for a day […]


  • Farmer = Mechanic

    Who knew that I had to be a mechanic? On a beautiful morning to be working in the fields, we discovered a bearing out on one of the carriage wheels of the soil finisher. Our trusty implement dealer doesn’t have the part and supposedly this part is made outside of Atlanta, Georgia and will take […]


  • Paint it black

    Finally, today was the first day we could start doing some field work. The temperatures were still chilly with a high of 50 F but the forecast seems like it will warm up just a little in the next few days. At least it gives us some time to plant something! Seed will not germinate […]


  • What the hay?!

    As you’ve witnessed in past blog posts, we have an over abundance of last year’s hay crop. In an effort to try to find buyers for about 200 square bales, we posted a free ad in the Farm Bureau Spokesman, a weekly newspaper for Farm Bureau members (a very informative Ag related publication). Like in […]


  • A cold, wet spring

    So the big question in northern Iowa is, when are the temperature going to rise above 50 degrees F? It has been a cold and wet spring thus far and everyone around is getting anxious for the warm weather, especially us farmers. In 2010, I guess they had a tremendous spring that was dry and […]


  • This ‘ol thing?

    One of the several projects Johnny and I have going on is putting together and making our raised beds for our future garden. I think our garden will be a major blog topic in the near future, but the weather here has not been cooperating with any sort of planting of seeds, i.e corn, soybeans. […]


  • Biddy-bop

    My neighbor Wayne told us about a hay sale that occurs every other Monday in a town nearby. We currently have an overabundance of 2010 alfalfa hay that we probably should have been more aggressive of selling it last winter. Spring is here and soon all the forage animals around here will be eating grass […]