Wood guns, kittens, and lilacs
While picking up sticks and cleaning out brush, Johnny found this… We finished planting just in time before the rains came last Friday and already, the soybeans have reached their little heads out of the soil. It is pretty amazing how strong their little epicotyls and cotyledons are. The corn is looking great too. But […]
The little seedlings have risen!
I walked by the first field we planted corn on and saw our first seedlings! They have emerged out of the soil and are strong little buggers. To me they are like baby minions, all stretching out their limbs to reach the sun. After one day of wonderful rain, they all popped out everywhere around […]
Service with a smile
Today I met two of the friendliest people who work in the farm service industry and I gave out a big sigh of relief. Service with a smile still exists! Kermit, who works for Allied, spread gravel around the farms today, and the moment I looked at his smiling face I had to smile too. […]
Sunrise or sunset?
I woke up this morning at an odd hour, 4:45 a.m (a little too early for me), with the full moon shining on my face through the window. This has happened before but something was different because I could see the sunrise through my other window and hear the morning birds chirping. I thought, what […]
How’s my outfit?
After the corn planting was complete, we started in on soybean planting. Soybeans take a shorter amount of time to mature, as they are planted later and harvested earlier. Center View Farms currently no-till drills our soybeans, meaning, we use a planter that plops the soybean seeds in a furrow it creates in the corn […]
The end is near
I’m not talking about the upcoming so-called rapture, but the spring planting! We will probably finish on the day the world ends. Figures. Today we finished planting corn, well almost. There was a train engine in our way of completing the final 15 acres on one side of the track, but hopefully that will be […]