• Corn, corn and more corn

    Where has the time gone? 3 weeks have already passed since my last post! And there is much that has happened since then, too much in fact! I am now understanding why people are so busy here during the summer months…it’s because all and every activity has to be crammed into a 3 month time […]


  • I can’t take all this excitement!

    When I went out to the barn to check on the Wandering 28 the next morning I looked to my right. I saw a lone ewe standing next to a fence and I wondered why she was on that side of the fence and not with the others. I had to rub my eyes to […]


  • Oh boy, the sheep got out

    My dad and I were just discussing on Sunday evening the art of caring for livestock and one of the things he mentioned was that they always seem to get out when your gone. I remember that I kind of just chuckled at that and thought that that only happens to him, because that’s just […]


  • Fixing Fence

    Having sheep or any other animal that grazes pasture requires a fence, a good fence. On our farm, the fence that perimeters the pasture is old, actually ancient and decrepit. It has been jimmied in so many different ways for as long as my grandfather had sheep. The original fence was probably first put up […]


  • Save me some ‘a that hay for later

    It’s hay time people! And it reminds me of sweat, dust up the nose, hay in the hair, and a lot of scratches and sore muscles the day after. But man, does an ice cold beer taste good afterwards. Actually, I don’t know that since the last time I bailed hay was when I was […]


  • Crop scouting

    It’s that time, when all the seeds are planted and the corn is in the V3 stage (V3 means about 3 leaves on the plant) to start scouting for possible disease, weeds, pests, stand counts, and root health. Yesterday was really windy and hot, I almost got blown away a few times while out in […]


  • Clean up

    After planting is complete it is imperative to do some clean up and maintenance before you put the machinery away. Getting all the dirt and muck off the planter and tillage tool will help make them last longer and stay in good working condition. These are expensive pieces of steel and rubber, it’s like taking […]