The howl of coyotes
I wish I could say that I’ve been hearing the cute and funny Wiley coyote from the infamous Bugs Bunny cartoon, but instead I’ve been woken up by the eery howls of a pack of coyotes nearby for the past few nights. I’ve never heard them so close, they seem like they are staring my […]
My garden=success!
I am proud to say that after my burnt garden fiasco, my new garden is a success! I am a proud parent of beUtiful and delicious Japanese cucumbers, broccoli, green beans, peas, 2 kinds of lettuce, 2 kinds of salad greens, green onions, and spinach! I underestimated the amount of space broccoli and tomatoes need, […]
What the….?!
I had no idea what to do with this gear shift to make this old John Deere move. Several minutes later and a phone call to its owner, I was able to get it into a forward gear.
Summers are filled with county fairs
A fond memory of mine growing up in Iowa is being a 4-H member and attending the county fair every year. This year, I had the honor of assisting my dad as a clerk for the Floyd County sheep show! It brought some great memories of caring for my 4-H lambs and showing them at […]
The Summer is Rolling By
The summer seems to be going by faster than I’d like it to, most possibly because we have been too busy to notice. Sometimes too much going on leads to forgetting how the day went by, but all and all it has been a very productive first summer in Iowa and a lot learned. We […]
Growing days
Every week the corn grows a little bit…no, actually a lot taller. It’s really amazing. Last week the corn was shoulder height. And the garden beds looked good even after the frying mishap… This week the corn is taller than I am and the tassels have emerged. And the garden beds have grown tenfold! No […]
Festivals, foreigners and not a whole lot of farming
I grew up in a community with traditions…traditions that date back to the late 1800’s. One of these traditions is the West St. Charles Church annual 4th of July picnic, the country church in the community where we live. The picnic entails a potluck, singing, a speaker who talks about something in regards to our […]