• Aerial spraying of fungicide

    This video was taken in July when a crop duster, or airplane carrying fungicide, flew over one of our nearby fields. It was pretty cool to watch, but better to stay far away from.


  • Practical Farmers of Iowa Field Day

    I had a fascinating afternoon yesterday at a field day outside of Alta Vista, Iowa sponsored by Practical Farmers of Iowa, Organic Valley and MOSES. The Frantzen family raises organic hogs and beef for Organic Valley, which I’m sure you’ve seen their products in the natural and organic section of your local supermarkets. The field […]


  • Iowa State field day

    I recently attended a field day put on my Iowa State University, to learn more about strip tillage, precision Ag, agronomy from well-known agronomist Roger Elmore, and up and coming crop diseases such as Goss’ Wilt. It was such a great learning experience and a time to see other farmers from Iowa and hear about […]


  • Markets are up, way up!

    Last Friday, the commodity markets made a giant leap in the upward direction, with corn up 20 cents and soybeans up 28 cents! Wow! With all the volatility going on in the markets today, this was an exceptional leap. Corn and soybeans were trending downward just a few days before. Last Thursday ended the Pro […]


  • A nice scene

    Sometimes I wish we could bail all of our hay this way. It is entirely mechanized with not one finger laid on the hay itself. These big square bales are no joke either, each one ways about 700 pounds. Compared to the 50-60 pound small square bales, this is a lot of hay. I tried […]


  • Our fields are looking good!

    My dad and I were walking our fields yesterday thinking how much we needed some rain. We noticed the hardness of the soil and the lesions it caused from a lack of moisture. As we looked at our soybean fields, we noticed that with some more rain, more pods would develop and fill out. We […]


  • Rain!!

    It’s finally raining! Yahoo!