The Come-back of the Small Farm
I found this article in the latest edition of Iowa Farmer Today. It provides a great example of how younger families are wanting to live on a farm, raise their families on a farm, the upward trend of locally grown food, and the philosophy of how life is lived is more meaningful than making a […]
Organic Pork….yummy…
I love pork. I love pigs. The pig is a smart animal, very smart in fact, and they get a bad rap because they are stinky. So stinky, that some religions see pork as a filthy meat and unfit to eat. I am an animal lover. Johnny too. When we have to sell our lambs […]
We just got accepted to be a part of the mentor/mentee program for 2012 through The Midwest Organic and Sustainable Education Service (MOSES). Our mentors are the Frantzen’s, who grow organic row crops and raise organic pigs from farrow to finish, a farm operation that we would like to mimic. I attended a field day […]
Amazing temperatures
It was an amazing 60 degrees F yesterday, and may I remind you it is January here in Iowa! I almost went out to plant my garden!
The Oldies
Our neighbor, Wayne, stopped by delivering holiday cupcakes on his new but old John Deere tractor. A lot has changed since that time of hand clutches and open air seating, but the tractor is simply fascinating. If I remember correctly, it is a 1953 model, a time when tractors were transitioning to power take offs […]
Biddy bop part deux
As you know, we produce some hay as part of our yearly crop, and in the winter, when horses and sheep and goats have no grass left to eat, hay is fed in lieu of pasture grass. Hay comes in a few different sizes when sold for easier transport. It comes in large round bales, […]
Some facts about ethanol
I kind of feel indifferent in regards to ethanol. I came from a state where ethanol was widely discouraged and moved to a state where it is widely encouraged. I admit that I need more knowledge to base an opinion on the alternative fuel. On one hand, I really like the idea that it moves […]