King of the Hill
When the Mommas are eating, the lambs get play time. Here they are playing one of their favorites, king of the hill.
Our organic mentors
According to Craig Chase from the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture at Iowa State University, you can net $1 million a year from 80 acres of certified organic land. Yet to many organic producers, money is not the goal. The light is the way of life, the experience of labor to produce good food, being […]
Cover crop field day
I recently attended a field day based on Iowa State Research farms data on cover crops for Northeast Iowa. I am very interested in integrating cover crops into our row crop operation for many reasons, but the most important in my mind is that cover crops help make the soil healthier by increasing the organic […]
Have you ever seen anything cuter?
We had one little lamb born with crooked front legs, something we have never seen before. He has one of the calmest demeanors and didn’t cry once on the way to and from the vet to put this stint on his leg. At only 3 days old, he was such a trooper! Today he is […]
My little tomato seeds have germinated! They have started popping out of their little holes and are unfolding into healthy young plants. Some other perennials I started from seed have too!
12 little lambs and counting
In one day we received 8 lambs! All seem healthy and found their Mommas teats right away. Spring time is official when the lambs start coming and we hear little “baaaaaaaas” coming from the barn. As they are born, we administer 2 shots, tetanus and Oxytet, an antibiotic. We do this because when they are […]
Our first baby lamb 2012
Please give a warm welcome to the first baby lamb of the 2012 lambing season! A healthy baby boy, born around 10 a.m. April 3. He found his Momma’s milk right away!