• Ready, set, go!

    The 2012 harvest is under way! Our first frost arrived on Sunday, September 23, and helped ensure the beans were dead and dry. Last week they looked dry enough, but the stems were still green and pretty tough to get through. We did start combining some corn late last week, but we were not excited […]


  • To harvest or not to harvest…yet, that is the question

    It is that time of year again when the farmers get their harvest equipment ready and head to the fields. They are excited to see what their corn stands are like and most importantly their yields. And every year it seems like a race to the finish line. Farmers see other farmers in their fields […]


  • 2012 Steam Engine show and Thresher’s Reunion

    This past Labor Day weekend, we visited the annual Thresher’s Reunion and Steam Engine show that takes place near our farm. The 4-day show, showcases some of the oldest tractors, steam engines, and farm equipment that exists today. Charles City, Iowa is the birthplace of the modern tractor and was once home to the famous […]


  • Jesko!

    Our German friend and soon-to-be Ag student, arrived the beginning of September to start his first ever Midwest harvest the fall. He is here to learn all there is to know about harvesting the yearly corn and soybean crops, commodity marketing, and some tractor mechanics. He is well-suited for this experience because he has been […]


  • 2012 Crop tour yield estimates

    If you read this blog, I have focused on the weather most of the summer. The commodity markets turn into a weather market during the summer, and what volatility we have had! The lack of moisture has made prices go up then down then up again then down, etc., etc. Traders pull money out one […]


  • Pest scouting

    We received another wonderful 4/10ths of rain yesterday! That brings us to 2 inches in one week! The rain and cooler temperatures help lower the populations of spider mites that were slowly encroaching on our soybeans. But now that the rain has come and the air is cooler, we now need to watch out for […]


  • 1.6 inches!

    This rain we had this morning just saved our soybean crop!