• Weed wacking

    We have consistent giant ragweed problems in our fencerows. They proliferate quickly if we don’t cut them and spray something on them. I’m not a proponent of using chemicals but I would be out here all year hoeing down ragweed if we didn’t.


  • Makin’ dust

    I can’t believe it! I’m creating dust! This is day 4 of no rain! A record for this year so far. Everybody is out getting their field work done before the next 4 days of rain start. I hope to finish planting beans tonight.


  • Planting in the dark

    Planting in the dark seems silly, but when you have Mother Nature and Father Time nipping at your heels one has to do what they have to do. So here I am planting soybeans after dark and what makes this task incredibly easy is GPS, auto-steer, and a monitor that tells you how many seeds […]


  • Something is growing well

    Due to the untimely and continuous rains, some farmers haven’t been able to finish planting their fields of soybeans. Some never got to plant their corn! So this is what happens when the weeds get their chance before the soybeans or corn. We grow a lot of this. I wish consumers wanted this ragweed, we […]


  • Uneven corn field

    This is what happens when you try to plant into an unfit seed bed. If you dig in the soil to find the seed that didn’t grow, you find a wet, mushy seed that is rotting below the surface. The seed-soil contact was too poor for the strong little seed to grow. This is quite […]


  • Seeds of Death

    This documentary lays out the astounding effects of GMO’s and the secrets of large chemical companies like Monsanto and Syngenta that they don’t want you to know.


  • The drought is over!

    It’s official! The drought of 2012 is over! Hooray! BUT, the flood of 2013 has begun! It won’t stop raining! And when it does, it only stops for a day or two, then rains again. The few days in between rainy spells won’t let the fields dry out enough for us to continue to plant. […]