First harvested corn
Our first harvested corn of the season. It was planted in mid to late May and its testing at around 20% moisture. Our soybeans will be ready by Thursday or Friday this week.
Prevented planting
We had a few acres that were prevented planting acres, meaning, we couldn’t plant them because the weather did not give us an opportunity to plant the corn we had planned on planting in May or June. We sowed tillage radishes and rye to help break up some compaction, stop water runoff and soil erosion, […]
Aphids and $ signs
Today I’m looking at our soybean fields that were sprayed last week with an insecticide to get rid of the millions of aphids sucking the life out of our soybean plants. Before we made the decision to spray, I went into every field to determine if spraying was necessary. Chemical use is not my cup […]
Walking beans….again
When I was 18 years old, I couldn’t wait to get off the farm. Since I learned how to walk, my dad made me walk beans every summer. I never got paid, it was just another farm chore we had to do. Never in a million years did I think I would be walking beans […]
We have one field so far that is fully pollinated. Usually by this time all fields are pollinated and ears are growing fast. But due to us planting later, pollination time is later. While walking through this field, I got pollen all over the screen of my mobile phone. The sweet smell is delicious! Notice […]
What a disaster
This is what happens when there is no soil seed contact. What a waste of seed . The soil was too wet when we planted this field. The closing wheels on the planter didn’t do their job, that with aid of too much cold rain right after planting. I’ve never seen anything like this before […]