• The give and take

    I’m learning that in farming there is always give and take. Take the GMO and non-GMO debate. There is a very large consumer increase in non-GMO consumption and demand and I would like to capture some of that market demand. Plus, who knows what really happens to us when we ingest food that has been […]


  • I have to meet this farmer

    This article is written by a farmer from Harlan, Iowa. I believe every word he is saying and would like to meet him. His article is a good read. I would like to take our farm in this same direction. Article Title: Bonus column: Ron Rosmann writes about the overuse of ag chemical… http://www.desmoinesregister.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/201311010405/OPINION01/311010050


  • “What good ears you have”

    These aren’t the ears the wolf means from Little Red Riding Hood, but the ears from our fields. Notice how there is very little ‘tipping back’ at the top of the ear, meaning that there was little to no environmental stress during pollination. Some say that it’s during the early R stages that determine seedling […]


  • 2013 harvest time…the tribulations

    This year’s harvest has had it’s fair share of trials and tribulations and it’s not over yet. It began with the late harvest due to the late planting. We are always racing against Old Man Winter. Then it was the question of do we harvest soybeans or corn first? So we did some corn, then […]


  • Going green

    I could get used to having auto steer on the combine. I’m helping out a neighbor who owns all Deere equipment and has a brand new combine with all the bells and whistles. Not having to always look at the outside row and to be able to focus on what’s in front of you is […]


  • Snow?!?!

    Ok, so I know that the weather patterns in this part of the world are going to be volatile, but I really wish the threat of snow would lay off until November. We still have some acres of soybeans and corn to harvest yet and snow in mid October is an unpleasant surprise. So when […]


  • Soybeans Go!

    We had some soybeans that have dried down fast enough to get harvested. Even though they were our latest planted soybean field, they were the first that have been ready. It’s a beautiful 70+ degree day and it still feels a bit like summer. Since it rained 2-3 inches last weekend, I’m a bit skeptical […]