Our organic mentors

According to Craig Chase from the Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture at Iowa State University, you can net $1 million a year from 80 acres of certified organic land. Yet to many organic producers, money is not the goal. The light is the way of life, the experience of labor to produce good food, being good to the earth, and having an occupation you feel good about when work doesn’t feel like work…..it’s living a good life.

On our journey to learn and begin to practice organic agriculture, we have been lucky enough to team up with the Frantzen family as our mentors. The Frantzen’s farm 385 acres of row crop and small grains for forage as well as pasture graze a cow and calf herd and raise outdoor hogs. Their system is fully sustainable, utilizing the fertilizer from the animals to spread on the land to grow bountiful crops to then feed their animals, and the cycle continues. They make their profits by selling hogs and calves through a price contract with Organic Prairie, as well as selling any extra organic soybeans, corn, or small grains they do not need to feed their animals.

This year as mentees, it is necessary that we visit their farm every month to see the changes with our own eyes. We are learning about their 4-7 crop rotation method, raising organic livestock, the labor needs to weed and feed their crops, and their lifestyle and economics as organic producers.

We are very blessed to have one organic producer nearby. We are not near any large metropolitan areas where organic products are cherished, but we do see a slight upward movement in 30,000 population towns such as Mason City, where consumers are becoming more and more aware of what their food contains, how it is grown and an increase in organic produce consumption. I like to use the verbiage micro vs. macro, micro representing the small farmers who produce little but high quality food, macro representing the large farmers who produce a lot of food but need a lot of inputs to control weeds and pests. What they grow goes toward a larger scale of production for bagged and boxed foods and over processed meats, and there is still a desire for these products, but a shift in weight is happening.

To many in denial, the U.S is moving toward the micro food system and it’s coming toward a small town near you!

I will provide updates on my blog each month from each Frantzen visit so you can see the changes for yourself. The April’s visit entailed a farm tour, what they have planted or are going to plant on each field as part of their rotation, manure management, an explanation of their farm equipment, and their livestock care and management.

April 2012

Finished hogs in open air hoop buildings

Weaned piglets in an open air hoop building. They harvest corn on the ear, shuck it on site and keep their cobs for an excellent bedding alternative.

A Temple Grandin designed livestock separating shoot for a more humane experience when hogs are loaded onto a truck for transport.


Machinery row. Flame weeders, row cultivators, crushers, hay elevators, grain drills and more!

Practical Farmers of Iowa Field Day

I had a fascinating afternoon yesterday at a field day outside of Alta Vista, Iowa sponsored by Practical Farmers of Iowa, Organic Valley and MOSES. The Frantzen family raises organic hogs and beef for Organic Valley, which I’m sure you’ve seen their products in the natural and organic section of your local supermarkets. The field day was held at James Frantzen’s farm, that he just purchased and is in the process of fixing up and readying his buildings for farrowing pigs. He gave a presentation about his start as a beginning farmer (he’s only 23) after a stint at Organic Valley in Wisconsin, and the joys and pitfalls he has experienced thus far. The building that he renovated from an existing old horse barn, houses 16 sows that are farrowing, meaning that they have their baby piglets and are kept with their Mommas until they are weened, which is around 6 weeks.
He is organic certified and the buildings cannot be confined, they have to have windows, they cannot have slats or pits for manure, they have to cleaned weekly and given fresh bedding, and the sows have to have space to turn around and lay down. He fixed up this building and put in all of the plumbing pipes, electric work, and pens for around $5,000. That will pay itself back in no time at all.



The liquid manure runs outside the pens and flows down these cement aisles using gravity.


Because he farms with his parents, I was curious to see what his parent’s farm looked like. It is where the sows are artificially inseminated, and where the hogs are weened and fed out until they are ready for market. On that farm also stands a small feed mill business, organic cows, and 300 acres of tillable ground where they grow organic corn and soybeans, mostly used as a feed source for their livestock.

Notice how the pigs all have access to the outdoors and have room to run around. There are no slats or pits whatsoever, so all manure has to be loaded by hand, or skidloader, and placed in a compost pile for fertilizer use in the spring and fall.






This entire method of farming is like it was before the 1980’s when hog confinement units were created to increase hog production. These pigs looked like my dads old Farmer Hybrid pigs that he used to raise from farrow to finish. They were raised exactly like this and would be considered ‘naturally’ raised today, (not organic because they were not fed organic grain, were wormed and given antibiotics, and did not come from organic genetics). He made his money when he transitioned to confinement units because he could raise pigs through the harsh winters and he could have more sows farrowing at one time. Confinement units were created for higher efficiency and higher production but did not consider the welfare of the animal as much. This is where the controversy stands and what today’s consumer has to decide when making their meat purchases.

These pigs on the Frantzen farm looked healthy and vibrant. The smell wasn’t as strong as confinement units with pits, and the pigs looked natural, not like the pigs that are so lean that they don’t have any fat to protect them from the cold and are so super muscular and stocky that they look like weird animal anomalies.

If you have ever tasted the meat of a naturally raised hog and an organic hog, you know the difference in texture and flavor compared to the cheapest pork you can buy at your grocer. It’s amazing!

I recently met with a field agent from Niman Ranch, a natural meat company based out of northern California. Iowa farmers can raise only pork for Niman, not yet lamb, chickens or beef. It was a very informative and interesting meeting for me as I think about raising natural pigs on our small farm. I want to make sure there is a market for the hogs I raise, I want to make sure I can make a profit, and I want to make sure my hogs are treated humanely from start to finish, and that includes processing.

It just so happens, that Organic Valley and Niman Ranch process their hogs at the same facility in Sioux Center, Iowa. The facility is one the first in the Midwest, designed by Temple Grandin, the genius behind the humane treatment of animals before and on their way to be processed. Because of her autism, she has a heightened perception and reaction of how animals feel, and has observed the reaction of animals when under stress. I highly suggest you read her book and/or watch the movie based on her life.

Here’s a short clip of Dr.Grandin talking about the humane stunning of pigs during processing.

To feed the Organic Valley pigs and cows, the Frantzens grow organic corn and soybeans. Here are a few pictures of their fields and ears of corn. They use a corn picker to harvest their corn so the corn is harvested as a whole ear. They then shell the corn with a sheller. It is a labor intensive process, but that’s why they receive $12.35/bushel versus the conventional market value of $7.35/bushel (these numbers fluctuate with the markets).




These success stories make me very happy! It means that the U.S consumer as well as parts of the world, want better meat. And their definition of better is naturally raised or organic. To raise these types of meat products, a smaller and less intensive style of farming and raising livestock is favored. Family farms LIVE on!