I can’t take all this excitement!

When I went out to the barn to check on the Wandering 28 the next morning I looked to my right. I saw a lone ewe standing next to a fence and I wondered why she was on that side of the fence and not with the others. I had to rub my eyes to make sure I was seeing straight because there she was with a little baby lamb! A baby lamb?!?!? Yes, a baby lamb.

We realized in May that there were 2 ewes that did not have lambs. All of the other ewes were expected to have their lambs the beginning of April, which was the due date. Lambs trickled in from the beginning of April to mid-May, when we thought all the ewes were done lambing. Well, we thought wrong, and one of the two supposedly barren ewes was pregnant.

This can mean 2 things. Either the 2 boys weren’t doing their due diligence, or the ewes were not letting them near their virgin prize. It is a mystery and I think another year of lambing may solve it.

Ewe #16 had a beautiful baby girl. Healthy and full of life!
