So far, we have one lamb that wasn’t getting enough milk from her mother, either because her sister was hogging it all or she isn’t that smart. Sheep are not known for their intelligence, rather the lack of.
So we started to bottle feed #4. When we put her and her mother and sister in with the other mothers and lambs, she runs up to us knowing we have the bottle. It’s very cute.
When she’s feeding on the bottle, her mother calls her. Her eyes kind of move in the direction of her mom, and this is what I picture her saying to herself, “man, this milk is so good! Yum, yum, yum, yum”. Her mom calls her…..baaaaaaaa. “mom, not right now, I’m eating”. Mom: baaaaaaaaa baaaaaaaa. “ok, what should I do? Keep eating or do what mom says?” She glances: mom – milk – mom – milk…… And she runs off.